Thursday, September 07, 2006

Not where I thought I'd hurt

First class back went well. It was kind of good to me that our instructor made it into a back to basics class, focusing on some KC that are part our pinan 2 kata, working on snapping the wrist at the end of blocks to make them more like a strike than simply a block.

More than anything though, it's not physically that I'm hurting, more mentally. My head is spinning. So much stuff I tried to remember, so much stuff I know I need to work on. I felt stiff with my strikes, kind of inadequate in most of my moves. I will work on it, don't worry, but still it's in my head for the day, nagging me...

It was good to be back practicing although there was one thing I found kind of annoying. There was kind of a silliness in the air, a goofiness if you will. Granted, it was the first or second week back in the Fall schedule and many people had not seen each other in a while but once the class starts, you'd expect adults to act like adults and practice seriously. Not saying they didn't at all, but I felt like it could have been better. Still, I did my thing and was able to work on some things I needed to work on, or remind myself that I still have so many things to work on, depending on the angle you wanna look at it... ;)

Finally, a note to self: GET A HAIRCUT!!! Not that my hair are very long, but I just hate having even only a inch of loose hair to the back of my head and sweating in it, gah, just hate it.



Anonymous said...

Today I've found your blog by googling : "studio unis nick cerio" !

! G R E A T !

Now you can be sure to have a new assidious reader.

Because my english is really bad and I have so much to ask, I will just introduce myself.

My name is Sébastien, 30 years old, living with my wife and our 2 little girls (5 and 4 years old) at Cap-Santé in Portneuf.

I've learned Yoseikan karate in the past (at 7 years old) and I got the brown belt.

Few years later (this year in fact) I was registered, me and my daughter at Studio Unis d'auto défense de Donnacona for a new start (White Belt!). In first it was for my daughter but now, after 2 weeks, I cannot stop thinking of it. I was surprised, I really liked that!

I just want to learn more about Nick Cerio's Kenpo. I want to know what I will learn during the white belt, yellow, orange ...

Your blog is a true source of information for me. Source d'inspiration !

Again, sorry for my poor english.

Bonne saison,
Merci encore et
Merci de continuer !

Sebastien aka Akarien ;)

FrogMan said...

wow, a member of the family!!! :)

Sébastien, welcome aboard.

N'aie pas peur de poser tes questions en français si tu veux, on perdra peut-être quelques lecteurs, mais le français est ma langue maternelle et je me verrais mal d'empêcher un nouvel enthousiaste de s'exprimer, simplement parce qu'il pense que son anglais n'est pas assez bon. Franchement, ça se passe beaucoup dans la tête, j'ai trouvé ton commentaire en anglais très bien écrit...

Pour ce qui est des requis de ceinture, ça change un peu d'une école à l'autre, même au sein du groupe des Studios Unis. Je vais devoir regarder mes notes un peu pour te répondre. Il s'est quand même passé trois ans depuis mon passage de la blanche à la jaune ;)

Si je me rappelle bien, il y a une à trois techniques à connaître, le blocking form 1 ainsi que les coups de poing et de pieds de bases, sans oublier le double bloc et les blocs de bases qui font partie du blocking form.

Je te souhaite beaucoup de plaisir avec ta fille (ou peut-être les deux dans le futur), je sais qu'en faire avec mon garçon me procure beaucoup de satisfaction. Je devrais poster ici si on va en compétition quelque part, qui sait tu pourrais en visiter une pas trop loin de toi et tu pourrais attraper la piqûre. :)

À la prochaine, Steve.

Anonymous said...

What Pinan kata's are you working on? We have Pinan Nidan, Shodan and Sandan. I'm not a big fan of the Pinan's. I have to do Sandan for testing next week.

MrX said...

"you'd expect adults to act like adults and practice seriously."

My wife was in this parent-kid class in Sendo when my son was 4. The instructor gives the general idea but it's up to the parent to practice with his/her kid. She told me that the most undisciplined students were always the parents (always the same to).


Welcome aboard fellow frenchmen!

Si jamais tu te poses des questions sur une traduction en particulier, tu peux toujours utiliser le site de traduction suivant : Voila

Be careful though, this is a europeen french to english translation site. This can give you some bizarre translations sometimes (Ah ces Français!).

FrogMan said...

"What Pinan kata's are you working on? We have Pinan Nidan, Shodan and Sandan. I'm not a big fan of the Pinan's. I have to do Sandan for testing next week. "

our pinan are creations/adaptations by Nick Cerio from Kyokushinkai and are simply called Pinan #1, #2 and #3. After seeing some videos of the pinan you talk about, I'm fairly certain these are not the same. I think I've read somewhere that our pinan are also referred to as the H form (as in we trace a capital H on the floor has we move). Maybe this will need more research from me...


Mathieu said...

hEHE, je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser à ce qu'est un acarien, en fait :)

I miss having hair, though. Sweat just rolls on my head. It's easier to clean, though.

ha, life.

Mir said...

I have to admit that I agree with you that having sweat dripping into your hair, and then later on dripping down your back.. EEWWWWWWW!!!

I have wanted to cut my hair short for a long time, but then... I LIKE my ponytail.. sigh.. Isn't that the way with fickle women.

FrogMan said...

you'll be happy to learn that as of this past Saturday, I'm now neatly trimmed :)

And I love it!!!

Take care, Steve.