Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas to all of you

I would like to wish a Merry Christmas to all of my regular readers (yeah, the four of you as I usually joke ;) ) and to anyone who might stumble upon this page today.

Here's hoping you're having a great time, I know we are around here. Was a nice Christmas dinner at my parents' last night after which we got to unwrap the presents. Watching the kids smile when they see presents they had either asked for (so were happy to see them) or were not expecting but were really happy to see is always a great source of joy for me.

Just so this post as a tiny bit of karate in it, let me say that I received the DVD of Jet Li's Fearless. I can't wait to watch it. :)

Have fun you all, be safe and don't drink and drive.



Mathieu said...

I received the same christmas gift.

Pretty good flick.

Enjoy your holidays,

best wishes from drummondville!

Akarien said...

Hey joyeux Noël en retard et bonne année en avance.

Moi j'ai eu, à ma très grande surprise, un bo ! J'imagine que ma blonde veut que je m'y mette :) Je suis bien content, ça va me donner le coups de pieds pour m'initier.

J'en profite pour vous dire que je ferme mon blog. Je vais continuer a garder contact par les votres. Comme plusieurs de mon dojo venaient lire mon blog pour ensuite venir faire leurs commentaires, pas toujours constructif, dans le dojo, je me sentais pas en paix. Comme je veux être tranquille pour apprécier plainement ce que je fais, j'arrête de me publier.

Take care ! bon film et abuse pas trop du champagne :)

Mir said...

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to all of you.

May the year 2007 be filled with good training, no injuries, and good health.


Anonymous said...

Let me know what you think of Fearless. I've been anxious to see it but haven't had a moment over the holidays. A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Hello FrogMan
I'm looking forward to becoming your fifth regular reader in the coming year! Have a great one and we'll see each other at the competitions! ;o)

FrogMan said...

Thanks everyone for the kind words. Let's get some replying done, now that I'm back in the fold. :)

Mat & blackbeltmama, oddly, as much as I wanted to watch that movie over the holidays period, I couldn't find time. The TV was pretty much tied up during the day and more often than not in the evening, my wife and I would end up watching episodes after episodes of House's first season on DVD (which I gave to her along with the second season which we've not even touched yet). I'll get to watch it at some point, I guess...

Akarien, très cool pour le bo. Ext-ce que mes performances incroyables ont incité ta blonde pour ce cadeau? LOL! Aussi, est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un à ton école qui peut t'en montrer un peu? Je te le souhaite, c'est une arme vraiment trippante. Pour ce qui est de ton blog, c'est vraiment dommage, mais je te comprends très bien. Je ne sais pas ce que je ferais si la même chose m'arrivais. Peut-être que ce serait différent, vu que je suis quand même une ceinture un peu plus avancée. J'ai pas de misère à croire que certains auraient pu vouloir te faire des commentaires, voyant que tu est un nouveau. L'important est toujours d'avoir du plaisir, dans tout ce qu'on fait. J'ai vu que tu est sur gmail maintenant, j'y suis souvent disponible par gtalk, n'hésite pas à me "pinger" si tu veux jaser karaté. J'aurai une pdf de la liste des techniques pour toi bientôt si ça t'intéresse.

Mireille, yeah, no injuries and good health is really all I'm asking for. Everything else is just gravy, as they say. :)

Hey Myrika, welcome aboard! For those reading that have never seen this name around here, Myrika is the lady jumping around at the corner of the ring, getting ready to present her rendition of Cat 3 while I'm doing my Cat 3 in this video. :) Glad to have you around as a reader, although I suspected you were reading since discovering your nervous antics a little while back. :)

Take care, Steve.