Tuesday, October 31, 2006

that would be a very long kata...

We had a little talk with our instructor last night at the beginning of our class. He's trying to talk people into going on stage and do something for December 3rd but people always have good reasons not to it seems. I felt a little bit of pride when he looked at me and simply said "Steve, you're good to go, right?". Could only reply that I'd hope to :) As I said before, I'm not much of a showboat, but I feel some pride in being able to show something I can do that I know not many people can, at least not of my age, group who all started practicing kenpo from 3 to 5 years ago. Sure a 36 year old black belt who's been practicing with a bo since he was 7 or 8 (think Andrew in some 15 years) would make me look silly, but none of the "grownups" practice open bo regularly.

Seeing how few adults seemed eager to participate, he kind of pep talked them, telling them beginners and even intermediate adults would be looking toward us and he needed people, or else I'd have to do a 20 minute kata. :D

As for yesterday's class, our instructor told us to break in group and decide by ourselves what we wanted to work on. Some of us felt we had not worked on our KC in some time so we devoted some time to that. I'm getting the funny feeling that some of my peers are looking toward me to lead them in such exercises. Not so much teach them, as to simply have one calling the shots (KCs are simply known by numbers, from 1 to 20). For example, yesterday someone simply said "okay, Steve will call them". Err, okay, I don't mind. I guess I'm a dominant type, or at least self-confident enough that they feel like following me.

We then worked on some kata and again, somebody said "go Steve, we'll follow you". That kind of made me feel uneasy. My kata are far from perfect and I'd hate some of my peers (people from the exact same belt level) to be "corrupted" by my mistakes. Anyway, it went well.

Funny thing to end the class. As we were doing Cat 1, our instructor who was silently watching us, came close to me and point blank asked me if I had my bo with me. I never carry it unless I have a chance at using it and didn't have it yesterday. He told me it was a shame as he thought it would have been cool that I'd have showed them my kata. He told me to bring it next week and he would have me perform my kata. I'm kind of looking forward to it. :)



Akarien said...

... Je pense que s'ils veulent te suivre c'est parcequ'il est évident que t'es un passioné ;) et par conscéquent ils pensent que tu dois en savoir plus ou que tu le fais mieux. Aussi, peut-être ont-ils remarqué que tu es moins souvent critiqué qu'eux donc ils se fit sur toi lorsque sensei s'éloigne ?!

Bah, qu'est-ce que tu veux ! c'est pas facile la vie de vedette :)

Mir said...

I can understand how uncomfortable it is to be leader. Each time that I'm placed in that position, I just remind myself that it could be anyone up there, and that right now.. it' is 'I" that is up there. So then I do the best that I can with what I've got.

But when I'm up there leading I train just the same as if I was in the line... no more, no less. My effort is the same whether I'm in front of a crowd, or standing at the back of the gym... because it is my karate.

Do these words make sense?

Anonymous said...

They wouldn't have put you up there if they didn't think you knew what you were doing. It's weird getting used to being up front and leading, but it's also an honor.

What bo kata's do you do? We have one bo kata that is 99 moves.

FrogMan said...


Je doute que ce sois parce que je suis moins critiqué qu'eux, crois-moi, j'en reçois et en demande à plein ;)

Je crois qu'il y a peut-être une petite notion de crédibilité. Souvent, entre nous, on cherche à se valider, à s'aider et il est arriver à quelques reprises qu'un collègue m'a poser des questions auxquelles j'ai répondu en disant qu'on devrait vérifier avec le professeur et le plus souvent, la vérification confirme ce que j'avais dit. Mon exécution n'est pas toujours parfaite, mais j'ai une bonne mémoire et on ne me répète pas quelques chose souvent pour que ça reste :)

À la prochaine, Steve.

FrogMan said...

supergroup7, yes, your words make a lot of sense, as they always do. :)

It's also the way I go, in front or at the back, I work just as hard. Not harder in front and relaxed at the back, just the same. As you say, it is MY karate, I do it for me. Hey, others want to look at how I do it, good for them if they can get anything out of it, but I do it to better myself.

One thing I probably left out of any posts in here is that I have some background in teaching. I love helping others when they have problems and/or questions and I guess that without realizing it, it must show in my karate too. Sometimes I have to restrain myself, as too much teaching, too much wanting to show others, can be seen as being rude and sometimes is not taken well by some people...

Take care, Steve.

FrogMan said...

bbm, I agree, it felt kind of weird and I also saw it as some sort of unspoken honor. It's always nice to be looked to, especially when you don't really ask for it and people just ask you to help.

The bo kata I'm referring to in that post is our open bo kata. You can find the video of our rendition of it in the post titled Some bo kata videos. Honestly, I have never bothered counting how many moves are in it as it's evolved over time from the original way it was when our instructor designed it. Yes, it's a kata that our instructor put together himself for us, the class that started taking bo class last Fall...

Take care, Steve.

Mathieu said...

dans le dojo, j'aime bien suivre un auter, mais oui, je me retrouve également bien souvent en avant à essayer de faire de mon mieux aussi.

¨Ca montre bien que les autres te voient comme sérieux et que tu en veux. Ça motive de voir quelqu'un comme c¸a qui veut apprendre.

Le plus dur est souvent de se motiver soi-même.

¨ca arrive souvent également que les autres me disent : ahhhhh, non, c'est pas comme ça qu'on fait ça. Mais un peu comme toi, ça arrive bien souvent que j'ai raison également. Je "shrug" (monte les épaules?) et on continue...

C,est bon la mémoire. Je l'ai déja dit, je vais le re-dire, t'as pas cette couleur autour de la taille pour rien!

Alors, comment ça va votre travail de kata à présenter?

FrogMan said...

Mat, c'est souvent ça qui arrive quand quelqu'un met en question quelque chose que je suis certain. Je ne "m'astinerai" pas très longtemps, je continue simplement à pratiquer et je cherche à consulter mon instructeur pour validation. La fois la plus drôle, et qui est arriver très récemment concernait Sushi no kon sho. Ils étaient trois à douter d'un mouvement et j'étais assez certain qu'il ce faisait autrement. Et bien le professeur m'a donné raison. Ces trois personnes étaient dans le groupe de lundi, peut-être que c'est pour cette raison qu'il se sentaient bien de me suivre...

Pour le kata de bo, je vais poster un update un peu plus tard cet après-midi. À tantôt :)


Mathieu said...

Héhé, ce qui me fait le plus suer, c'est quand des types qui ont de la misère à pratiquer deux fois semaine s'obstine à avoir raison. Débile, ça fait tout tout croche et ça s'obstine.

Et oui, t'as sûrement raison. C'est définitivement une des raisons pourquoi ils voulaient suivre. Vive la mémoire.

J'ai bien hâte de voir ces vidéos!

Ça fait moins bizarre de s'écrire en français.
