Friday, March 23, 2007

Martial arts inspired comics

Seeing how I really got to enjoy watching the NBC show Heroes, I just got interested in checking out comic books, or graphic novels as they're often referred to nowadays.

I've never really read any of the common superheroes books (i.e. Spider-man, Superman, X-men and the likes) when I was young but the way that Heroes show depicts ordinary people with extraordinary abilities had me looking for more of the same.

I found more than a few and will be happy to share them if you want to hear about it, but this searching through comics also led me to a few martial arts one.

I have decided to read only one for now, a webcomic called No Need for Bushido. It's been going on for a long while and I've just started reading it. It's pretty funny with some swordfighting in there, check it out.

Another one that I want to get to someday is a series called Blade of the Immortal. It's a manga (i.e. Japanese for comics and print cartoons) style comic but looking at some previews, I found that the drawing was less cartoonish with big eyes than your usual Japanese mangas. I like the background story for the main character, basically the setup for the whole series: "Manji, a ronin warrior of feudal Japan, has been cursed with immortality. To rid himself of this curse and end his life of misery, he must slay one thousand evil men! His quest begins when a young girl seeks his help in taking revenge on her parents' killers...and his quest won't end until the blood of a thousand has been spilled."

I'm not a fan of manga comics that read right-to-left but this one is translated from Japanese by the publisher and put into a more North American setup of left-to-right reading by using some cutting and pasting of the panels. The series has been going on since 1996 and there are tons of trade paperbacks who usually collects five 32 pages issues in one book for cheaper reading.

Are there any martial arts inspired comics that you read? If so, share theme in the comments, I'd be interested in checking them out...

And yeah, I know I'm still a little kid. ;)



Mathieu said...

There was a series called Ronin I used to read a while back. I was nice. Excellent graphics and story. I don't know if it lasted long and if it's still going strong.

No need for bushido seems nice. A la "akira" if you remember that one.

another comic was.... errrrrrrrr

secret du singe fou.

or something like that. Most libraries have that one. I eagerly anticipated everybook that came out. Damn, you just threw me back 10 years. I'll have to check it out.

Mir said...

Thank you for introducing me to "No need for Bushido".. I really enjoy reading that comic. I'm only at the beginning of it.. so I have alot to look forwards to.

Have you ever watched the Little Ninja Flash animations?