Wednesday, June 21, 2006

almost forgot, huge congrats go to...

...Michel, Philippe, Carl, Isabelle and Hugues, all fellow adult students at my shcool who passed their black belt Saturday June 10th.

These are guys, and a gal, that I take class with very often. Some of them I see less often, but we do practice together every once in a while and man let me tell ya all, they did impress me the last couple of months. Ever since they learned that they had passed their first kyu, and thus were going to test for the black, they really turned the heat on. Way to go guys, good show!!!

I remember when I passed my 3rd kyu, we were told that the usual time between 3rd kyu and a possible black belt test was at least 18 months. Twelve months to 2nd kyu and the 1st kyu about a month or two before the black belt test (they also call the 1st kyu test the black belt pre-test as it pretty much decides if you are ready or not to test). Well, that 3rd kyu test of mine was 6 months ago. Hard to believe somebody could think I'd be ready to test for the black belt in 12 months from now but seeing them test for the black belt makes me believe I could achieve it someday.

Honestly, it's not a race for me. Not that I'd deliberately delay a testing, but if our instructors say I'm not ready, well, it'll go to whenever it is they say I'm ready. We are a good group of 3rd kyu and even some 2nd kyu now who are practicing together regularly. I know I still have tons to learn before it's time for the big test, but I also know I'm learning a little bit more every time I go to the dojo. I also know that me getting a black belt would be a big motivator for my son, and that alone makes me want to push myself until I'm there and beyond...



John Vesia said...

It took me two and a half years to go from 3rd kyu to black belt. It really depends on the guy and where you are. Ed McGrath, one of the progenitors of Isshinryu in the US, once told me all he ever wanted when he first started training was a brown belt. He observed that the brown belts fought the hardest and seemed the most determined.

FrogMan said...

couldn't agree more with the "depends on the guy and where you are" comment John. It'll take whatever time it'll take. At least now, I know I will not stop before getting there, and beyond, which is tons more than I could have said three years ago when I started with a first session of a mere one hour per week... :)

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how the closer you get to it, the less prepared you feel you are for it?

FrogMan said...

BBM, honestly, I'm not so sure I'd qualify that as funny but yeah, so much to learn, all this without forgetting about anything we've learned so far and not only that, but doing what you've learned before better than you've ever done it. sigh...

As Mat would say, perseverance. :)

Take care,

Mathieu said...

Congrats to all those that passed!

Guilty, I would say that. Perseverance indeed. I find it's the only quality lacking in most practicionners. I hope I never forget it.

I once read that it all comes together around 4th dan. Then you start feeling confident. LOLOLOL Talk about patience.

And yes, being a motivation to others is a big push in the back. Hope to still read you're training in 5 years. No need to reassure me, I know you will be.


Have fun, Steve!

Mir said...

A big congratulations for those who passed their test.

Confidence can be there from the beginning.. just ask that 6 year old white belt who "knows this all already!". I'm always amazed at how confident those guys are in their skills. They bite the bullet and do their best with what they have. I think that this is what "confidence" is.. To use what you know as best as you can.