Wednesday, June 21, 2006

going when you can, not when you want

Well, crazy Summer season is still going on and it's just as the title says, I'm going to class whenever I can, not always when I'd best want to. After finding a babysitter to take care of Matty on Thursdays, I decided starting last week to try to catch the Thursday night class that goes from 6 to 7. This means I have to drop Andrew to his football practice at abotu 5:50 so I can make it to the dojo. The nice thing is that the football field and the dojo are no more than 5 minutes apart, pending red lights and traffic. Anyway, I was able to make it for the first time last week but I don't have much to say about that class, other than I worked some more on Sushi no kon sho. Had to redo the start, as I had forgotten long bits of it, doh.

Last Saturday, my usually cherished two hours in a row were a no go for me. Andrew had a soccer tournament going all weekend long, as well as a football game on Saturday afternoon. We went to soccer in the morning and football in the afternoon, him missing a soccer game to go to football.

I just got back from a rare Wednesday night class, a class I was able to attend since Andrew's soccer coach didn't schedule a practice for tonight. Weehee!!! :) We did something we don't do very often tonight: sparring. Worked on some basics at about half to three quarter speed. Was nice to get some work on that.

I will go to class again tomorrow, making it back to back days of classes for the first time in a long while, then it'll go to, well, I don't know when, since again I won't be able to make the Saturday morning class since Andrew's football schedule is switching to Saturday morning, and after that, I have to go to the airport to pick up my wife who's coming home from a week long business trip to Chicago. Yeah, you read right, I'm Mr Mom this week. A good thing my mother in law is giving me a (very big) hand in watching over Matty whenever Andrew has some activity because I think I would have gone stir crazy without her...

Until later, take care, keep practicing...



Mathieu said...

Glad to hear you're making it through.

Sending big karate waves your way.


FrogMan said...

thanks Mat.

To make it through, I will make it through, but I know this Summer is not the time where I'll make the biggest improvement in my learning of karate. What's the hurry anyway, huh? I'm in it for the long haul anyway...

Take care, Steve

Mathieu said...

Like you said, no hurry in karate.
With hurry come expectations.
With expectations come results.
With results come different thing. Depending on initial planning. Rushing through things will only demotivate one.

Perseverance pays more than little bursts of intensive practice. The long haul, as you say.

Me? Sometimes I think I'm a bit crazy. I already asked Sensei for summer lessons. He agreed, which is good. But I'm crazy nonetheless :)

Enjoy that filled summer. Too soon will the first snow fall. yuck.


FrogMan said...

Mat, call me crazy but I swear as I was reading your comment I heard it in my head with the voice of a mix of two people: Mr Miagi and Yoda. :)

Summer lesson is a really good news for you. I don't think I've commented on it on your blog but I felt that completely stopping for a couple of months was not something I would have wanted to do. Yeah, take it easy, yeah, stop for a week maybe, but not a couple of months. So hard to start the engine back up after such a long break...

Also, forgot to mention in my post but I had a thought for you last night when I got a couple of too adjusted kicks in the ribs. Not real hard of full powered kicks, not enough to even leave a bruise but they did hit the mark and it got me thinking about having cracked ribs... Glad it wasn't worse but it sure told me to lower my guard and be more aware of not leaving an opening there...

Take care,

Mathieu said...

yeah, you're crazy



Do keep that guard low. I still haven't learned to do that and I'm still paying the price. Ha.. tonight, no fist got there. No kicks either. Pain is a very good motivator. :)


FrogMan said...

hehe, tell me something I don't know, crazy I am, and I know it.

I mean, you are talking to a guy who decided, at the ripe age of 30, to play full contact football for the first time in his life, only because a senior football league was starting in the area ;)


Mir said...

I figured that you were being kept busy by life. How dare life interfere with training!!!

It sounds like you are burning the candle at both ends, and trying to figure out how to get a light started in the middle.

I'm glad that your mother in law is helping.

Take care.